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Philosophy and rationale for Assessment
at Bucklands Beach Intermediate


According to ‘Making the PYP Happen’, a school’s assessment policy “is not a static document but one that is constantly evolving to reflect the assessment needs of the school.”  For this reason, we will need to make sure the assessment policy is reviewed and revised every few years.  All staff at BBI should be involved in the development and will need to agree on the assessment policy.  All staff are responsible to ensure that the assessment policy is a working document and that it is referred to and reflected upon. 


Assessment is the process of gathering evidence and making valid judgements about students’ achievements, needs and progress.


 Evaluation is the analysis of this information to make judgements about the effectiveness of teaching programmes, and to determine continuing teaching and learning (text from BBI policy and procedures).



What does effective assessment look like at BBI?


It allows students to:
  • Demonstrate and share their learning and understanding

  • Set goals with regards to learning

  • Use their own learning strategies and build on their own strengths

  • Build confidence in their own work and self

  • Express their points of view and understanding

  • Understand what their own needs are and how to improve

  • Make connections between what they are learning and the real world.

  • Understand in advance the criteria for producing a quality product or performance

  • Participate in reflection, self and peer assessment

  • Learn how to construct their own assessment and next steps in learning.


Teachers will:
  • Use data to inform every stage of the teaching and learning process

  • Collaboratively reflect on student progress and needs

  • Differentiate or adapt their instruction

  • Plan for assessment opportunities

  • Develop professional knowledge of diagnostic, formative and summative assessment.

  • Regular reflection on Units of Inquiry


Encourage parents to:
  • Understand student learning and progress

  • Provide support outside of school

  • Celebrate learning and student accomplishments


BBI Assessment Policy

247 Bucklands Beach Road, Bucklands Beach, Auckland, New Zealand 
Telephone: (+64 9) 534 2896   Email:

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